"So Sorry About Your Organs..."
One of my least favorite things (right up there with people using "you look so skinny/fit/something weight-based" as a greeting) Is people saying they're going on a "cleanse" or doing a "detox." Because, let me just clear something up right now: your body doesn't need that. And going on said "cleanse" or "detox" does way more harm than good. I know, I know, it feels so clean and healthy to say you're going on a cleanse or detox, but, in the same way that vaginas are self-cleaning and using a douche does nothing but fuck up your ph, going on a cleanse or a detox winds up messing with your body's ability to understand hunger and satiety signals, and generally winds up having the opposite of it's intended affect. See, your body is already able to detox itself. Like. It's built for that. It has several organs where detoxification is their main jam. For example, your liver, your kidneys, and your intestinal trac...